Neighbourhood Watch

NOTICE to all Woodstream Residents 

While we enjoy a very safe community and Neighbourhood Watch, upon occasion, youngsters are looking for a place to gather, sometimes trespassing, drinking or engaging in other potential law breaking activities.

Constable Nicole Gorham of the Ottawa Police has given the following advice:

  1. Call the police as soon as possible with details and descriptions (the constable also indicated that all calls can be made anonymously).
  2. For life-threatening emergencies or serious crime in progress, please call 9-1-1.
  3. For all other emergencies (non-life threatening), please call 613-230-6211.
  4. You can also call 613-236-1222 ext. 7300 OR 3-1-1 to be directed to the appropriate call-centre.
  5. If you would like to follow-up on a police report filed or a call that was made, please contact Constable Nicole Gorham at: or (613) 236-1222 ext. 3787
